Boston mayoral candidate Josh Kraft is building on his past calls for Mayor Michelle Wu to halt demolition of White Stadium ...
There will be two Boston City Council hearings Wednesday amid new concerns over the plans to renovate White Stadium for Boston’s National Women’s Soccer League franchise. Boston Mayor Michelle ...
BOSTON - With the start of demolition looming over Franklin Park's White Stadium, neighbors and critics gathered for two Boston City Council hearings. "The neighborhood would not be the same no ...
The mayor’s enthusiasm for the White Stadium project stands in sharp contrast to seven years ago, when she blocked a plan for a New England Revolution stadium as a city councilor.
Boston’s controversial ... s 10-year lease agreement with the city and had to be made before demolition could begin at the 75-year-old White Stadium. “The establishment of this $25 million ...
Dozens of people braved the freezing cold Wednesday to protest at the steps of Franklin Park's White Stadium ... on March 18, Boston mayoral candidate Josh Kraft and some city councilors want ...
Speakers remarked how, last month, half of the Boston City Council called for an immediate pause on White Stadium demolition and construction until the city releases a fully public renovation ...
The White Stadium renovation is expected to cost ... A trial is scheduled to begin in March. Boston City Council is also divided on the project. A resolution urging the administration to pause ...
WE’RE Members of a community group plan to demonstrate against the controversial demolition of Boston's White Stadium, and the issue is becoming a point of contention in the city's mayoral race.
The resolution is symbolic if passed, but would call on city agencies to not comply with any federal policies that could harm ...