El presidente panameño, José Raúl Mulino, informó que los flujos migratorios por la selva del Darién han caído a niveles ínfimos por temor a las deportaciones de Trump ...
La inhóspita selva del Darién, en la frontera entre Colombia y Panamá, dejó de servir como corredor de paso de migrantes que buscan el sueño americano, dijo este jueves el presidente panameño, José Ra ...
Ciudad de Panamá, 28 feb (EFE).- El número de migrantes irregulares que se internan en la peligrosa selva del Darién, la ...
A group of nearly 100 migrants deported from the U.S. to Panama last week has been moved from a hotel in the capital to the ...
The camp had originally been established for the hundreds of thousands of migrants crossing the treacherous Darien Gap between Colombia and Panama in recent years as they made their way toward the ...
PANAMA CITY — Panama transferred 98 deportees from various nations it had received from the United States to a camp in its Darien province Wednesday, an area that became the main thoroughfare ...
A group of migrants deported from the U.S. to Panama last week were moved on Tuesday night from a hotel in the capital to the Darien jungle region in the south of the country, a lawyer ...
PANAMA CITY — Panama transferred about one-third of the deportees from various nations it had received from the United States to a camp in its Darien province Wednesday, an area that became the ...