On Rosh Hashana, we cry out with a resounding kol, expressing how deeply we yearn to return to our source, to Hashem.
The Israel Defense Forces called up four more reserve brigades late Tuesday afternoon, in accordance with a situational assessment held shortly before. The brigades will be tasked with operational ...
An Israeli official told Kan11 on Tuesday that preparations are being made for a "large-scale" Iranian attack on military facilities in Israel, as well as civilian targets.
In the past four years, significant funds, nearly $60 billion, have effectively been given to Iran's mullahs by the Biden-Harris administration.
Interestingly, The New York Times reports that four Iranian officials told them in telephone interviews that news of Mr. Nasrallah’s death cast a pall of shock and anxiety over senior officials who ...
While it is true that most typically Jewish names are simply taken from Tanach or Chazal (especially male names), not all do.
As is well known, last week, pagers used by Hezbollah terrorists exploded, killing a handful of them and wounding hundreds more. Amazingly accurate, the exploding pagers killed very few noncombatants.
“Now that you say that omens are meaningful, one should eat at the beginning of the year the following: Kra – pumpkin; rubia – fenugreek; karsi – leek; silka – beet; and tamri – dates. We also find in ...
While there is a growing shelf of books and memoirs in Israel on the horrors of the war and its politics by Nova survivors, released hostages, soldiers, politicians, and journalists, outside of Israel ...
In the physical world, we are often warned that smoke kills before fire. In the spiritual world too, the spiritual smoke generated by our sins is more noxious and damaging than even the sins themselve ...
FPÖ leader Kickl expressed unequivocal support for Israel's right to self-defense and called for Austria to advocate for Israel.
The two men discussed the "serious consequences for Iran" in the event Iran chooses to launch a direct military attack against Israel.