The Russian militaristic Telegram channel “Rybar“ sent a message to its millions of readers stating that the “region is being pushed into escalation” following the decision of the Prosecutor’s Office ...
Viktor Orban elaborated that Ukraine’s rushed accession to the EU would cause irreparable damage to European countries in ...
Crowds of protesters are gathering in Belgrade for a massive rally in the Serbian capital seen as a culmination of ...
Anti-government protesters barred access to the offices of state broadcasters in Serbia's capital Belgrade and the ...
This is a photo collection curated by AP photo editors.
But, in its constitution, Serbia still regards Kosovo as an integral part of its territory. Rutte said the dialogue, "is the only way to solve pending issues and secure a stable future ...
By Denitsa Koseva in Sofia The EU has decided to reinforce its troops in Bosnia & Herzegovina, sending reserve forces amid a ...
Mission command is now a fusion of human and machine judgment, enabling data-centric warfare. This vignette reflects key aspects of the Army Campaign Plan and the drive to field a data-centric force ...
NATO’s secretary general Tuesday underscored the alliance’s “steadfast commitment” to its security and urged Kosovo and Serbia to be flexible in their normalization talks. Mark Rutte came ...
While specifics vary from agency to agency, this wave of rehiring is reportedly unfolding locally at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Bonneville Power Administration, although it’s unclear ...
NATO's Rutte Urges Kosovo and Serbia to Speed up Dialogue, Normalise Ties PRISTINA (Reuters) - NATO Secretary-General Mark Rutte said on Tuesday the alliance is committed to its peacemaking ...