CitiPark's other locations - Gade and Sutton- charge the same amount, although are located further from Watford High Street.
On the pricier end of the scale, parking at Watford Junction station costs £7 for two hours, while the Holiday Inn Hotel in Clarendon Road charges £8 for the same time period. Visitors at Watford ...
Cheshire East Council is mulling over the sale of parts of two Macclesfield town centre car parks for residential development. A report for the upcoming economy and growth committee meeting notes that ...
"Urgent repairs" mean that a town centre car park must close for days next week. Motorists will be unable to use the Bury Lane Car Park, in Bury Lane, Rickmansworth, over four days starting on Monday ...
Parking in a town centre is to become more expensive. Darlington Borough Council said from the spring, fees would increase from £1 to £1.20 for the first hour in short-stay car parks.
The hourly rate in town centre car parks will increase by 40p but charges for longer and medium stay will decrease. Parking for up to six hours will be reduced by 50p (from £8 to £7.50 ...
Parking in a town centre is to become more expensive. Darlington Borough Council said from the spring, fees would increase from £1 to £1.20 for the first hour in short-stay car parks. Council leaders ...
Visitors to Darlington town centre will be charged more for car parking as council decision to increase fares has been approved. Increased fees will be enforced later this year after Darlington ...
Work towards building another multi-storey car park in Blackpool town centre is set to step up after the council agreed to ...
The number of people using council-owned car parks across the town centre also improved between July and October despite the Tory warning that reintroducing parking charges in 2023 would reduce ...