A safe driving course for seniors is making a stop in Clearfield County with the goal of providing older drivers with better ...
HOV lanes will start to come back on the Parkway North, but bridge construction on the Parkway East will restrict some ...
Most of this remaining work will be on Governor Road east of Centerview Drive, Fishburn Avenue and Cocoa Avenue.
The extensive repair work on the center in Yeagertown will be completed on an expedited schedule, which includes a complete ...
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) is preparing to begin a $1.3 million project that will give motorists ...
According to PennDOT, construction is expected to resume on March 24. Construction is expected to be completed in November ...
The lawsuit alleges that federal agencies have restricted Pennsylvania from accessing over $3 billion in federal funding, ...
PennDOT plans to widen I-83 in the York area from four to six lanes between the Market Street and North George Street interchanges. Crews have been working on projects, such as the replacement of the ...
A driver’s license center will be closed this week after the March 16 storm caused damage to the interior and exterior of the ...
The pothole outside Timothy Taylor’s home was so deep, he could hear the clunk of cars hitting it from inside his house. The ...