Sales meetings are essential for any sales operation, but too often they are seen more as a necessary evil than an opportunity to improve. By effectively planning and setting team meeting agendas, ...
A good sales presentation is more than a simple pitch, a demo or a list of facts and figures. Done well, at the right time in your sales process, it’s a tool for getting your prospects’ attention, ...
A sales team is continually expected to perform in an increasingly competitive marketplace. Nobody feels this pressure more than the sales manager. They are the ones expected to drive their sales ...
¿Cómo te imaginas una presentación de ventas? ¿Te imaginas un discurso, una demostración o una lista de datos y cifras? Una buena presentación es mucho más que eso. Un diseño excelente y una ...
Spesso, comprendendo quali passaggi dovresti seguire per concludere un affare, puoi accelerare il processo di vendita e ottenere diversi altri vantaggi. In questa guida ti mostreremo come chiudere una ...
Engaging and qualifying prospects is about to get much easier with Pipedrive Pulse (now entering closed beta with waitlist-only access), our latest AI-powered feature designed to help you cut through ...
Interactuar y calificar clientes potenciales será mucho más fácil con Pulse de Pipedrive (ahora en versión beta cerrada con acceso únicamente a aquellos en lista de espera), nuestra última función ...
Incluso cuando un negocio genera ventas de manera constante y asegura tratos, hay momentos en los que el equipo de marketing desea estimular la demanda y aumentar las ventas de productos o servicios ...
Fast alle Aktivitäten im Marketing können nachverfolgt und analysiert werden, um ihre Wirkung zu messen. Ausschlaggebend für erfolgreiche Kampagnen ist aber nicht nur, Daten zu erheben, sondern vor ...
Mit Pipedrive-Pulse (jetzt in der geschlossenen Beta-Version mit Zugang nur über die Warteliste) wird es viel einfacher, Interessenten zu gewinnen und zu qualifizieren. Unsere neueste KI-getriebene ...
Tra poco coinvolgere e qualificare i prospect diventerà molto più facile con Pipedrive Pulse (ora in versione beta chiusa, con accesso solo se in lista d'attesa), la nostra ultima funzionalità basata ...
For any business, maintaining effective sales and marketing efforts is essential for growth, yet it can be hard to understand what drives success across the customer journey. Attribution reports help ...