The Strategic Framework will guide the development of DTP’s next Accessibility Action Plan, covering 2025 to 2029, and subsequent Action Plans. The upcoming Action Plan will include specific ...
Recycling Victoria is responsible for statewide waste, recycling and resource recovery infrastructure planning. Register for infrastructure investment support information sessions. Recycling Victoria ...
While assets used in transport are important, a good travel experience relies on more than accessible infrastructure and rolling stock. It also relies on positive interactions with people along the ...
minimising barriers to access so that so far as is possible the transport system is available to as many persons as wish to use it; providing tailored infrastructure, services and support for persons ...
Accessibility should be built in at all stages of decision-making, from when early planning starts until a new asset, system or service is delivered and operating. We should apply Universal Design ...
Alignment with strategies, policies and plans VPS Values This Strategic Framework will demonstrate our commitment to: Alignment with strategies, policies and plans The Strategic Framework aligns with ...
To support achieving our vision and objectives for accessibility, a series of strategic directions are identified in this Strategic Framework that outline key approaches that can be taken to improve ...
Through a targeted engagement program, hundreds of Victorians were given the chance to influence the design of Melbourne’s new X’Trapolis 2.0 train. The four-phased engagement program ran from April ...
The Transport Accessibility Strategic Framework identifies the approach the Department of Transport and Planning will take in addressing accessibility gaps and improving transport experiences for ...
Technology can help overcome some of the accessibility problems with older parts of Victoria’s public transport system and make possible other improvements that are not covered by DSAPT requirements.
When taking a journey, it shouldn't matter which organisation is in charge of different parts of the transport system. Different organisations are responsible for different parts (like footpaths, ...
We must consider all elements of a journey to ensure all users are able to make the trips they want. If any leg of a trip cannot be made because it is inaccessible, the whole trip is inaccessible to ...