December's second new moon, nicknamed the Black Moon, is a rare event that takes place on Jan. 30. Here's how it affects your ...
A black moon also refers to the new moon phase itself when the moon is positioned between Earth and the sun, making it nearly ...
Astrologer Valerie Mesa reveals which character from the iconic Christmas movie you relate to most, based on your zodiac sign ...
When is the start of Capricorn season? Here's a breakdown on all things Capricorn from the sign's dates to its key ...
Capricorn season, which starts on Dec. 21, is all about leveling up. Find out how the ambitious and pragmatic essence of this ...
On December 21, 2024, the Winter solstice arrives. As the Sun enters the Sea-Goat constellation, Capricorn season also begins ...
Consider starting a gratitude ritual each night to keep the holiday stress at bay, Virgo. With Mars retrograde shaking things ...
January 2025 horoscopes begin the year with a new melody. Things feel surreal with Venus in its exaltation beginning on ...
Explore adventures uniquely suited to each zodiac sign, from adrenaline-fueled activities for Aries to serene and creative ...
According to astrologer Nina Kahn, these signs will be most impacted by the energy of the new moon on Dec. 30, 2024.
On December 25, 2024, love horoscopes focus on the Sun and Moon for each zodiac sign. The Capricorn Sun allows you to be ...