Port Isabel is a great alternative for a rainy day as well; it is easily accessible by car – via the Queen Isabella Causeway – or by South Padre's public shuttle bus, the Island Metro.
Runners will be in the opposite direction of traffic and continue north, then head west on the outside eastbound lane of the causeway. Once on the Port Isabel side of the causeway, attendees will ...
Flanking the edge of Port Isabel's Lighthouse Square (across Laguna Madre from South Padre Island and easily accessible from the Queen Isabella Causeway), the Dolphin Research & Sealife Nature ...
Once on the Port Isabel side of the causeway, attendees will then turn around and run the same route back to the Beach Park. South Padre Island police and other city departments will be at the ...
Saltwater seeps on the Battery Creek beach cause access problems for pedestrians and vehicles. The town has come up with this solution ...
NOT SEVERE. I’M NOT LOOKING AT THAT RIGHT NOW. WE WILL HAV Causeway Police have reopened the bridge after closing it due to thunderstorms and cross winds. All of Southeast Louisiana is under a ...
DAUPHIN ISLAND, Ala. (WKRG) — Phase two of the Causeway Shoreline Restoration Project kicked off Thursday. It aims to create safer roadways and natural habitats for marine life in Mobile Bay.
Also called an implanted port, port-a-cath or medi-port, a chemo port has two parts: the port and the catheter. The port is a quarter-sized plastic or metal disc. (If you have the metal kind ...
Another key current distinction is in the technology area, where Causeway emphasizes the building, delivery, and deployment of artificial intelligence. The portfolio’s second-largest holding ...