Anne Lister (1791-1840) is sometimes described as ‘the first modern lesbian’. A successful woman entrepreneur and landowner, she kept an extensive diary, partly in code, running to four million words.
Tree-ring analysis was undertaken on 10 of the 12 samples obtained from the pine timbers to this roof. This analysis produced two site chronologies. The first site chronology (BSAASQ01) comprises ...
13th century church with third highest tower in Norfolk at 132 feet withchequered flushwork and arcaded cinquefoil flushwork at base. Earliest fabric is 13th century, the remainder of nave and chancel ...
Alternative text version for Figure HER 7.1b: a map showing the number and percentage of Historic Environment Records (HERs) found across 9 regions of England. Our website works best with the latest ...
Alternative text version for Figure DES 1.1: a map showing National Heritage List entries across 9 government regions in England. The map also shows the number of entries by category.
Alternative text version for Figure HER 7.2b: a map showing 9 regions in England with their number of Local Lists. Please note that not all District Councils and ...
This map shows the locations of listed buildings and sites. It doesn't show the full extent of the structures protected by each listing. For more about the extent of a listing, please refer to the ...