A jury was selected on Monday and the trial began in the afternoon in the case of Franklin County Sheriff John Grismore.
[NOWnews今日新聞] 颶風「海倫」上週襲擊美國東南部,在多州釀成災情,最新數字顯示,美國已有至少90人因為這場颶風喪生。美國共和黨總統候選人、前總統川普(Donald ...
Former President Trump on Monday said he’s spoken with Elon Musk about providing Starlink internet service for those without ...
Vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz are set to debate each other on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Here's how you can watch ...
新北校園割頸命案,行凶的郭姓少年昨一審被判9年、林姓少女8年徒刑。郭父到庭聆判後,除向被害人家屬再次表達歉意,也說等兒子回來之後能彌補就會彌補;林女父親則婉拒受訪。此外,被害家屬8月底已透過律師向新北地院提起刑事附帶民事訴訟,求償撫養費及精神撫慰金約 ...