No one should be alarmed by the title of this article because it has nothing to do with Nazism. We are going to talk about ...
El vasto desierto de Ica, en Perú, una región inhóspita y de difícil acceso, captó la atención del mundo científico en 2023 ...
The vast Ica desert in Peru, a remote and difficult-to-access region, captured the scientific world’s attention in 2023 ...
An international team of astronomers has identified and characterized the oldest disc in our galaxy, the Milky Way, which ...
Un equipo internacional de astrónomos ha identificado y caracterizado el disco más antiguo de nuestra galaxia, la Vía Láctea, ...
The Shabaka Stone is a granite slab from the 25th Egyptian Dynasty, housed in the British Museum, containing the Memphite ...
La Piedra de Shabako narra la creación del mundo por Ptah, el dios supremo Crédito: La Piedra de Shabako narra la creación ...
In an era long before any concept of dignified treatment for defeated enemies, during a time when losing on the battlefield ...
Un reciente estudio publicado en el Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports ha revelado contaminación por mercurio en los ...
A recent study published in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports has revealed mercury contamination in the ancient ...
Located in northeastern France, in the Alsace region, the Pfulgriesheim site has been the subject of extensive archaeological ...
Ubicado en el noreste de Francia, en la región de Alsacia, el sitio de Pfulgriesheim ha sido objeto de una exhaustiva ...