Fatigue is defined as "extreme tiredness resulting from physical or mental exertion or illness." When severe, it becomes persistent and unrelieved by rest, negatively impacting the physical, social, ...
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common heart condition that also affects other parts of the body. This dissertation shows that AF was more than three times as prevalent in 2017 (1.4% of the population) ...
The first part of the research looked at how hazards inside the home affect infant growth, especially during pregnancy. Babies born to mothers who were heavily exposed to second hand smoke during ...
PhD defence: Understanding the circular economy: From Synthesized Conceptual Foundations to System-Oriented Measurement ...
It is clear that if nitrogen emissions in the Netherlands do not decrease, plant diversity will become increasingly impoverished." ...
Making brains generate their own therapeutics could be a promising approach to slowing or even stopping the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Researcher Niels Reinders has shown in lab experiments ...
Migration and Societal Change provides a platform for researchers at Utrecht University working on migration and related societal transformations. It stimulates cross-fertilization between researchers ...
We're exploring the biochemical foundations of life. Without understanding how things work, we can’t fix them when they’re broken. In this day of modern diseases, this is critical. Fundamental science ...
What are the responses of citizens who feel unprotected, abandoned, or attacked by the state? How do people express their concerns and assert their rights in public spaces and legal institutions? How ...
Onderzoekers van USBO verkenden de relatie tussen verschillende, digitale toepassingen (ook wel: ‘e-health’) en het behouden van professionals in de zorg.
Breed draagvlak voor reflectie door álle dierenartsen op antibioticumvoorschrijfgedrag ...
Deze studie onderzoekt de impact van schadelijke omgevingsfactoren op de gezondheid van baby's, vooral in landen met een laag en gemiddeld inkomen, aan de hand van gegevens uit Jakarta, Indonesië. Er ...