Taipei Travel - 臺北旅遊網
Wherever you go, the cultural kaleidoscope of Taipei showcases exhilarating diversity. Incense-veiled temples with exquisite carvings and paintings dating back to dynastic times blend seamlessly in streets of the modern city. Taipei has dozens of world-class restaurants where gourmets can sample the most authentic Chinese cuisines. For gourmands, night markets not only offer scrumptious small ...
臺北,是什麼模樣? 走進你所未見的臺北. 走進百年街坊相遇新興文創、踏上郊山親近自然芬芳、拜訪商圈體會潮流與藝術的奔放; 旅遊臺北,隨捷運由陽光燦爛,駛進夜裡的霓虹光亮, 在臺北的日子總能令你意猶未盡!
台北旅游网 - 臺北旅遊網
Must Visit | Taipei Travel - 臺北旅遊網
Wherever you go, the cultural kaleidoscope of Taipei showcases exhilarating diversity. Incense-veiled temples with exquisite carvings and paintings dating back to dynastic times blend seamlessly in streets of the modern city. Taipei has dozens of world-class restaurants where gourmets can sample the most authentic Chinese cuisines. For gourmands, night markets not only offer scrumptious small ...
大陆旅客来台须知 | 台北旅游网 - 臺北旅遊網
台北必游 | 台北旅游网 - 臺北旅遊網
精选景点,就要这young玩! | 台北旅游网 - 臺北旅遊網
5 台北101. 非来不可:台湾的国际高度、世界之窗. 台北的天空因台北101而有了层次与角度,透过搭乘台北101的超高速电梯(2004-2015金氏世界纪录世界最快速电梯),体验超越移动科技的极限,抵达远离城市喧嚣的89楼,俯瞰360度的台北全貌,让来自四面八方的国际游客惊艳台湾、体验 …
臺北必遊 - 臺北旅遊網
主题区域旅游 | 台北旅游网 - 臺北旅遊網
北投区. 北投具有天然的温泉资源、丰富的自然地景,自日治时期便是北部著名的温泉风景区,历史发展悠久的北投,拥有保存良好的古迹建筑及民族文化博物馆可供游客参观,而每当天气转凉时,前往北投泡汤放松是旅客的最佳首选,想来场富含文史深度又能够放松身心灵的慢活旅游吗?
Hello, Taipei | Taipei Travel - 臺北旅遊網
Wherever you go, the cultural kaleidoscope of Taipei showcases exhilarating diversity. Incense-veiled temples with exquisite carvings and paintings dating back to dynastic times blend seamlessly in streets of the modern city. Taipei has dozens of world-class restaurants where gourmets can sample the most authentic Chinese cuisines. For gourmands, night markets not only offer scrumptious small ...